
Session Fintech

Portfolio Analysis at Scale: Running Risk and Analytics on 15+ Million Portfolios Every Day

Wednesday Jun 14 / 05:25PM EDT

In finance, many common calculations are more or less just linear algebra – but at a massive scale and done very fast.

Speaker image - William Chen

William Chen

Director and Technical Fellow @BlackRock

Session Edge Computing

Living on the Edge

Thursday Jun 15 / 11:50AM EDT

Edge computing is not a new concept, but in the past few years we're seeing powerful tools made more easily available at the edge from providers such as Cloudflare, Netlify, and Vercel. In this session, we'll look at:

Speaker image - Erica Pisani

Erica Pisani

Sr. Software Engineer @Netlify

Session Kafka

How to Build a Reliable Kafka Data Processing Pipeline, Focusing on Contention, Uptime and Latency

Wednesday Jun 14 / 10:35AM EDT

Shifting workloads from synchronous to asynchronous can simplify the operational cost of high-throughput HTTP services. But understanding the evolution of performance metrics in the world of complex, high-concurrency, asynchronous distributed systems can be quite challenging.

Speaker image - Lily Mara

Lily Mara

Engineering Manager @OneSignal