Perils, Pitfalls and Pratfalls of Platform Engineering

Platform engineering isn’t supposed to be just another name for SRE, DevOps, infrastructure, or backend software engineering teams; but if you aren’t careful, that’s what you’ll get. Let’s talk about how platform engineering teams are different from other engineering teams, and some of the ways they run into traps and other troubles.


Charity Majors

CTO @Honeycombio, Previously engineer & manager @Facebook @Parse & @Linden Lab

Charity is the cofounder and CTO at, which pioneered observability. She has worked at companies like Facebook, Parse, and Linden Lab as an engineer and manager, but always seems to end up responsible for the databases. She loves free speech, free software and single malts.

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Demystifying Kubernetes Platforms with Backstage

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Speaker image - Matt Clarke

Matt Clarke

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Hard Problems in Frontend Platforms

Thursday Jun 15 / 01:40PM EDT

Imagine you are tasked with building a platform to support a distributed system where your code executes in a remote environments.

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Katie Sylor-Miller

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Scaling Organizations with Platform Engineering

Thursday Jun 15 / 02:55PM EDT

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Lesley Cordero

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Session Infrastructure as Code

How DoorDash Ensures Velocity and Reliability through Policy Automation

Thursday Jun 15 / 11:50AM EDT

Infrastructure-as-code has grown in popularity over the past few years. With this codification, many companies have adopted review processes that keep their infrastructure engineers constantly reviewing code changes and busy with mostly tedious work.

Speaker image - Lin Du

Lin Du

Software Engineer @Doordash