
Session Cloud

From Smoothie Architecture to Layer Cake with Durable Execution

Thursday Jun 15 / 04:10PM EDT

Traditional cloud applications tend to mix up several core concerns, such as business logic, state management, and handling of failures, into a ‘Smoothie’ architecture, which greatly impedes their development and evolution.

Speaker image - Sergey Bykov

Sergey Bykov

SDE @Temporal Technologies

Session Architecture

From Open Source to SaaS: The Journey of ClickHouse

Tuesday Jun 13 / 05:25PM EDT

Have you ever wondered what it takes to go from an open-source project to a fully-fledged saas product? How about doing that in only 1 year’s time? If the answer is yes, then this talk is for you. You’ll hear straight from the experts who worked on the design, and execution of this huge project.

Speaker image - Sichen Zhao

Sichen Zhao

Senior Software Engineer @Clickhouse

Speaker image - Shane Andrade

Shane Andrade

Principal Software Engineer @ClickHouse

Session Cloud

Developing Above the Cloud

Thursday Jun 15 / 01:40PM EDT

Cloud development is marred with complexity. In addition to the domain knowledge for their business, a development team must also have significant expertise in cloud hosting and deployment, only some of which can be outsourced to a hosting provider or platform team.

Speaker image - Paul Biggar

Paul Biggar

Founder / CEO @Darklang